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Technology, data and farming

Farmers have many tools that capture details in their field – from how many seeds are planted to how many pests are in different parts of the field. This data helps them make decisions to grow a more productive and sustainable crop using the right product in the right place in the right amount at the right rate.

soybean field

R 01

The Right Product

Applying the correct nutrients is a vital part of precision agriculture. Farmers need to know what nutrients already exist in the soil for the crop they are growing to determine what additional fertilizers are needed for a productive crop.


R 02

The Right Place

The entire field won’t have the same nutrient needs. Thanks to technology, producers can decipher what specific areas of a field need and apply the correct nutrients to each section.

soybean field

R 03

The Right Amount

Inputs such as fertilizers can be expensive. Farmers don’t want to be wasteful and overapply nutrients to fields. Precision agriculture tools help them apply just what’s needed.

soybean field

R 04

The Right Time

The maturity of the crop and the weather are just two examples of timing considerations that must be accounted for. Crops need different nutrients throughout their growing cycle.

Equipment makes this possible

drone in field

Remote sensing

The cab of a tractor only sits so high. Farmers need assistance to visualize their operation at an aerial view to detect dry or wet spots, nutrient deficiencies, or other issues impacting their field. To gain these insights, producers often rely on remote sensors such as cameras mounted to drones to collect the information to make sound decisions for their farms.
grid soil sampling

Grid soil sampling

By collecting and testing soil samples in a systematic grid, farmers can create an application map that shows exactly what each section of a field needs.
variable rating

Variable rating

Through variable rating farmers can apply fertilizer, crop protection such as pesticides and herbicides to kill insects and weeds, and even water according to an application map that precisely provides information about what is needed in each area of the field. This helps growers to apply only what is needed.
crop scouting

Crop scouting

Technology provides helpful tools, but nothing replaces actually seeing what’s happening in a field. Growers scout throughout the growing season to look for potential issues such as pests or weeds and problems such as areas in a field prone to flooding.

Global Positioning System

Farmers use Global Positioning System (GPS) to get a precise location in a field to accurately map soil or crop conditions. GPS also allows equipment to run over the same tracks in the field so there is less damage to crops.
yield monitoring

Yield monitoring and mapping

Yield monitors measure the flow of grain or soybeans as a crop is harvested. This information can be used to create a yield map showing where areas of high and low yield are in a field. By determining where high-productions areas of a field are, farmers can invest more crop nutrition and technology in those parts of the field where they may see more return on their investment than with the lower producing areas.

Geographic information systems

Farmers collect a lot of information about their fields. Geographic information systems (GIS) bring that information together in usable maps. When using GIS, producers can layer information (such as soil type, rainfall and elevation) about a field, bringing it all together to help better analyze the information to make informed decisions about planting, applying nutrients and more.