Nathan White

About Nathan
Nathan White serves on the Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council board from district 1. With his time on the board, he hopes for further conservation, research and development efforts for soybeans through checkoff investments. He is excited to help farmers improve their production and bottom line. He believes that products like biodiesel, soybean oil and export sales will increase demand for value-added soy products.
Nathan is a graduate of the University of Missouri – Columbia with a degree in agricultural economics. He farms with his parents, Thomas and Susan, and wife, Kylie, in Ray County. After graduating from the University, he worked for the Farm Credit System. He eventually returned to the operation in 2009, where he currently farms soybeans, corn and has a cow/calf operation. He and his family enjoy participating in the annual MSA Soybean Yield Contest.
In his free time, Nathan enjoys volunteering in the Norborne community. He serves on the board for the Norborne Soybean Festival, Ray County Farm Bureau, Trinity Lutheran Church and the Ray-Carroll Grain Co-Op. He also enjoys fishing and spending time with family and friends.