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Reducing emissions through best practices

Greenhouse Gasses (GHGs) are gasses that trap heat in the atmosphere. Burning fossil fuels is a common source of GHGs. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in the United States, agriculture emits approximately 11% of total U.S. GHGs. Through common farming practices such as no-till and cover crops, farmers are reducing emissions. Because of farmers, agriculture has the potential to help offset carbon emissions through supply chains.

Conservation tillage

No-till, reduced-till and vertical tillage systems reduce GHG emissions by cutting back on trips through the field and creating healthier soil that needs fewer nutrients and stores more carbon.

Crop rotation

A corn-soybean rotation (switching off which crop is planted each year) reduces nitrous oxide emissions, a byproduct of the process when the bacteria in the soil break nitrates down.

Carbon sequestration

Carbon dioxide is one of the most common GHGs. Soybeans take carbon dioxide out of the air and provide it to the soil.


Soybean farming practices have improved to reduce GHG emissions by 45%.


Using biodiesel in the U.S. transportation fuel supply reduces GHG emissions by up to 86%.

Reducing emissions, improving air quality

There are many benefits to cutting GHG emissions that extend beyond agriculture. Farmers have long understood the importance of working for the greater good. Caring for the environment is one more way to do that.


Cleaner air leads to easier breathing for everyone. Reducing GHGs can also reduce heart and respiratory diseases.


GHGs trap heat in the earth’s atmosphere leading to the potential for increased temperatures globally.


Energy is expensive. Trimming energy use not only reduces GHG emissions but also increases cost savings.