All the latest information from the experts
The Farm in Focus webinar series is bringing all the latest content in education, demand and research to your fingertips. Enjoy listening to content experts on topics like SCN, policy and biodiesel.
Conservation in Focus: SWOF Initiatives
MSMC director of conservation ag and farm operations, Clayton Light, is joined by Caitlin Colegrove, North America positive agriculture lead with PepsiCo, Inc. and Amanda Shetler and Joe Winchell, field program representatives for Soil and Water Outcomes Fund!
Policy In Focus: Focusing on the Farm Bill
Missouri Soybeans’ senior director of policy, Casey Wasser, is joined by Scott Brown and Pat Westhoff from the University of Missouri and Scott Gerlt, with the American Soybean Association.
Field Day in Focus: A Bash With Beck’s
This Field Day webinar covers the upcoming @BecksHybrids Bash at the Bay Farm Research Facility. Beck’s seed advisor, Clarissa Cauthorn, is joined by Alex Long, Beck’s field sales agronomist and Eric Oseland, director of research and agronomy for Missouri Soybeans.
Food In Focus: Celebrating Soy Foods
MSMC contractor and president of Communique, Sarah Alsager, is joined by Kristie Leigh, director of health and scientific affairs with Danone North America, Julie Ohmen, CEO of Soy Nutrition Institute (SNI) Global and Linda Funk, executive director for The Soyfoods Council.
Biobased in Focus: Built with Beans
MSMC director of market development, Matt Amick, is joined by Bob Woloszynek, chief engineer with The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Karen Coble-Edwards, consultant for United Soybean Board, and Paul Imbrock, technical leader for Indiana Soybean Alliance’s Poreshield technology.
Research in Focus: The Scoop on SRIN
Eric Oseland, MSMC director of research and agronomy, is joined by Cate Newberg with the Soybean Research & Information Network, Rachel Vann of North Carolina State Extension and Kiersten Wise of the University of Kentucky. In this webinar they discuss the latest from the Soybean Research and Information Network, upcoming checkoff research projects, and what the checkoff investment in research means.
Climate In Focus: The Future of Farming
MSMC director of conservation agriculture and farming operations, Clayton, is joined by Adam Kiel with the Soil and Water Outcomes Fund, Rob Myers of the University of Missouri Center for Regenerative Agriculture and Jack Cornell with the United Soybean Board.
Research in Focus: Getting to the ‘Root’ of SCN
The Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council is inviting you to join the “Farm In Focus” webinar. This month the webinar will cover research on Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN). Moderator, Eric Oseland, will be joined by panelists Dr. Mandy Bish and Dr. Andrew Scaboo from the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Membership in Focus: Engagement 101
Our engagement webinar covers the importance of being an active and engaged farmer leader at the local, state, and national levels. MSMC director of outreach and education, Baylee Asbury, is joined by Matt Wright, president of the Missouri Soybean Association, and Andrea Kientzy, a 2021-2022 Policy Leader Fellow.
Conservation in Focus: The Power of Partnership
The Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council is inviting you to join the “Farm In Focus” webinar. This month the webinar will cover conservation practices like biodiversity, carbon markets and water monitoring. Moderator, Clayton Light, will be joined by panelists including Greg Collier, MDC; Kurt Boeckmann, Missouri Corn; Adam Jones, MFA Inc; and Brady Lichtenberg, Missouri Soybeans.
Farm in Focus: The Story in SOYLEIC® Soybeans
Director of licensing and commercialization, Bryan Stobaugh, is joined by panelists Jeff Johnson with Benson Hill Seeds, John Jansen of United Soybean Board and Steve Schnebly with SRS Ag Consulting.
Policy in Focus: 2022 Session Recap
This “Farm In Focus” webinar covers the 2022 Missouri legislative session, with special guests Sen. Jason Bean and Rep. Brad Pollitt.
Fuel in Focus: Biodiesel and Farmers
The Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council is inviting you to join the “Farm In Focus” webinar. This webinar covers biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel and the impact these fuels have on Missouri farmers.