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Risky Business: Farm Safety Tips

By CFM Insurance

Farming is an essential and demanding profession that provides food and resources to communities all over the country. However, it is also one of the most dangerous occupations, with a high rate of accidents and injuries. To keep farmers safe and healthy, it is essential to promote and prioritize safety and take steps to mitigate potential hazards. In this article, we will discuss some of the critical components of farm safety, from staying in touch with family and fellow farmers to having the proper insurance coverage.

Stay In Touch

Staying in touch with your family and fellow farmers is one of the most important steps to ensure your safety while working on the farm. In an emergency, your loved ones need to know where you are and how to contact you. In today’s technological age, there are many location-based apps that you can use to keep your loved ones informed about your location. For example, you can use Find My iPhone, Google Maps on your Android phone, or Life360, allowing you to share your real-time location with others. These apps allow your family members to locate you quickly in an emergency. This can give peace of mind to you and your loved ones, knowing that you’re just a tap away. It’s beneficial when working on the farm and may not have reliable cell service. These tools can be a lifesaver in an emergency, so ensure they are installed and ready to use.

Get Ahead of Grain Bin Hazards

Grain bins are a common feature on many farms, and they can be hazardous if not approached with caution. Farmers should ensure that everyone working on the farm knows how to safely enter, exit, and work in a grain bin. This includes understanding the dangers of suffocation and entrapment and using safety equipment such as harnesses and ropes. Grain bin safety should be a priority on every farm, so educate yourself and your farmhands on the proper procedures.

Equipment Upkeep Importance

Farms use a lot of equipment, from tractors to combines, and keeping this equipment in good working order is essential. Regular maintenance and upkeep will ensure that your equipment is safe to operate and that potential hazards are identified and addressed. This includes checking for worn or damaged parts, making sure that all equipment is adequately lubricated, and keeping an eye out for any other potential hazards. Additionally, farmers should ensure that they understand how to operate all of the equipment on their farm safely and that they have all of the necessary safety equipment, such as hard hats, goggles, and earplugs.

Emergency Response Time

Emergencies can happen at any time on a farm, from accidents to natural disasters. Farmers should have a plan in place for emergencies, and everyone on the farm should know what to do in the event of an emergency. This includes understanding first aid, CPR, and emergency response and how to treat injuries and illnesses common on farms, such as cuts, sprains, and broken bones. Familiarize yourself with emergency procedures, and ensure you have the necessary equipment and supplies in case of an emergency.

Protecting Your Livelihood

Insurance is essential to farm safety, as it protects farmers and their families in case of a covered loss. Several types of insurance coverage are specific to farms and farmers, so ensure you have the proper insurance coverage for your particular needs. This may include liability insurance and insurance for your equipment and property. Discuss your options with your trusted insurance agent to determine the best coverage for your farm.

The Future of Your Farm

Farming is a crucial and demanding industry, but it is essential for farmers to prioritize their safety and well-being. By staying connected with family and fellow farmers, being cautious in grain bins, maintaining equipment, preparing for emergencies, and having proper insurance coverage, farmers can ensure that they can work safely and effectively, supporting their families and communities in the process. Whether through a trusted app like Life360, or by simply making sure everyone on the farm is in the know, taking the time to prioritize safety can make all the difference in this important profession.

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