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Roof Rejuvenation

By Jason Jenkins, Mill Creek Communications
Soy-based solution extends the life of asphalt shingles, lowering costs for homeowners while reducing landfill waste.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, no sector of the U.S. economy has been immune to increased prices. Whether in agriculture, energy, processing or manufacturing, the list of reasons for paying more is the same: higher raw material costs, labor shortages, supply chain disruptions and transportation issues.

This has been especially true in residential construction where prices for goods overall have surged more than 40% since January 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Producer Price Index report released in June 2022. Among these higher-priced materials are asphalt shingles.

The Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association estimates that four out of five homes in the United States are covered with asphalt shingles. The material is popular for roofing thanks to its durability and relatively low material and installation costs.

As an asphalt roof ages, oil dries within the asphalt, causing the shingles to become increasingly brittle. This lessens their ability to expand and contract, and the deterioration ultimately can result in failure and roof damage. Homeowners typically can expect asphalt shingles to last 15 to 20 years, depending on the local climate and the pitch of the roof. Eventually, the roof must be replaced.

However, homeowners can delay roof replacement with a soy-based solution. Roof Maxx, a spray-on rejuvenator developed by Battelle, a nonprofit research and development company headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, can extend the life of asphalt shingles.

“Roof Maxx contains an all-natural soy methyl ester that actually brings back the flexibility of the shingle and restores its functionality,” says Scott Helt, a certified Roof Maxx dealer based in Ballwin, Missouri. “About 50 bushels of soybeans are used in each 330-gallon tote of Roof Maxx concentrate.”

Much like a moisturizer softens skin, the milky emulsion is absorbed into the asphalt shingle. An Ohio State University report concluded that Roof Maxx could reverse the shingles’ aging process. When tested on 17-year-old three-tab asphalt shingles, the rejuvenator significantly increased the shingles’ flexibility while restoring permeability levels close to those of new shingles.

“Once applied to the roof, we guarantee that roof will function as it originally came out of the package for five years,” Helt says. “We’ve also tested that Roof Maxx can be applied three times. In that ideal situation, you can keep that roof for 15 more years and keep it out of the landfill.”

Re-roofing accounts for roughly two-thirds of the 12.5 billion square feet of shingles manufactured annually in the United States — enough shingles to completely cover more than 186,000 acres. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, more than 16.5 million tons of shingles are discarded each year. In 2018, about 86% of that waste found its way into a landfill.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has certified Roof Maxx as a biobased product. It’s also been included in the USDA’s BioPreferred Program, which qualifies the rejuvenator for mandatory federal purchasing.

When compared to replacing asphalt shingles, Roof Maxx is an economical solution for maintaining and increasing a roof’s service life. The cost of one application is roughly 10% to 15% the cost of roof replacement, depending on the roof’s size and pitch.

“I just like saving the roof and keeping it out of the landfill,” Helt adds.


To learn more about Roof Maxx, visit or call 855-766-3629.

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