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Paseo Biofuels, LLC

Paseo Biofuels is a New Generation LLC made up of more than 600 Missouri farmer members who own 53 percent of a biodiesel production facility and glycerin refinery in Kansas City, Missouri. This facility produces 40 million gallons of biodiesel annually. Cargill owns the other 47 percent of this joint venture. The operation is located next to Cargill’s soybean crush plant near the Paseo Bridge over the Missouri River. An eight-member, joint-venture board of three representatives from Cargill and five farmers elected from the 11-member board of Paseo Biofuels oversee the LLC.

Paseo biofuels logo

Investor Information

If you’re planning to transfer, buy or sell shares, or have questions about documentation, contact Kim Hill at or (573) 635-3819 for assistance.


Paseo Biofuels Investor Contact

Paseo Biofuels investors are encouraged to update their contact information as needed.